Amy Poehler vs the Clydesdales in Super Bowl XLVII

MpMea.St.4This year, Best Buy is featuring funny gal Amy Poehler in its Super Bowl commercial, a highly visible venue and a way for the electronics retailer to show consumers that the folks who work at Best Buy enjoy helping customers. Really.

Budweiser is trotting out a Clydesdale foal to play up the traditional of the beer in a commercial sure to appeal to both animal lovers and brew hounds. After the big game, viewers will have an opportunity to name the foal by voting on Twitter.

So which will resonate more with viewers? The petite blond comedienne? Or the big, bob-tailed horse?

Vvf7s.St.4I’m betting on Bud, purely from a personal standpoint. I love horses. I have read Black Beauty five times and I love Bud’s Super Bowl commercials, from the donkey who yearns to be a Clydesdale, to Hank, the horse who hit the equine equivalent of the gym in order to make the team pulling the beer wagon.

I also have drunk about a million beers. And I am really grateful to the gallant Clydesdales who haul that precious cargo to bars.

So as I cheer on the Ravens, I’ll be watching for big plays, on and off the field. Bring on the commercials! Especially, the Clydesdales.



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