Cashing out your cluttered closet

A lot of New Year’s resolutions involve losing weight–and not necessarily around our hips.

It’s also a time to reduce clutter by shedding excess layers in our closets.

The result is a January boomlet for resale shops, according to the folks at Clothes Mentor, a nationwide network of stores, including a location at the Shoppes at Dilworthtown Crossing on Route 202 in West Chester.

Resale shops have an edge over traditional consignment stores because the sellers are paid immediately. When clothes and accessories are consigned, the sellers get a check when and if an item sells, sometimes after several markdowns.

19557_1330164701423_3357406_nSo, how to get started? Here are a few tips:

  • If you’re not sure what to get rid of, Clothes Mentor experts suggest you use the six month rule. If you haven’t worn it in six months, let it go. (I say, don’t do it! Hang onto those skinny pants, your favorite sweater from college, the most excruciatingly adorable shoes in the whole world for at least two years after the last wearing–or until your house burns down.)

  • That said, make sure your items have been in style in the past few years. Resale shops only buy items that will resonate with customers and turn over quickly.

  • Don’t bother trying to sell clothes that are stained, torn or otherwise damaged. Toss them. Straightaway.

  • Most resale stores require a valid ID in order to make a sale, so don’t leave home without it.

  • I’ll add an extra tip. Resist spending your newfound cash on future clutter. Before you buy, ask yourself: Do I need it? Do I have room for it? And that said, do I really, really want it?

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