Veganuary: Week Three


For the past three weeks, I’ve abstained from meat, refined sugar and alcohol. Call it going cold tofurky.

In winters past, the stove would be bubbling with braised lamb shanks, coq au vin or cod and leek chowder. And each blizzard was followed by a hike to Trolley Square to gather with friends at a neighborhood bar.

These days, it’s bean burritos, barley and veggie soup, and quinoa with a medley of yellow, red and orange tomatoes. A handful of dates for dessert. And water, water and more water.

So, has it been difficult maintaining my commitment? Yes, at times.

Have I stuck with the deal? Yes, absolutely.

But the question I hear the most is: How do you feel?

Other folks who have embraced a plant-based diet say they are bursting with energy. They sleep better. They are more focused. Their skin is smooth and dewy.

1222006Truth to tell, I already felt pretty darn good when I took the Veganuary pledge. I have noticed a slight increase in my energy level, especially in the evenings, when I traditionally wound down with a nice dinner–usually including poultry, beef or seafood–and a glass or two of wine.

It’s also easier to stay on track with other disciplined tasks. I’m exercising and practicing the piano every day.

With 22 days under my belt, I am heading into the home stretch with hopes that I soon will be sleeping like a log, completing tasks with laser accuracy and sporting a radiant complexion.

If I don’t realize those or any other benefits by the end of Veganuary, I am OK with it. I took on the challenge as an exercise in mindfulness, a time of eating and drinking thoughtfully. (Which brings me to another question. What will I eat and drink on Feb. 1?)

After three weeks, doing without meat, sweets and booze is a bit easier.

That said, I’m well aware that I need to keep my eyes on the prize, whatever that might be, as I enter the home stretch. I don’t want to be the figure skater who jumps and spins throughout 4 1/2 minutes of a 5-minute program, only to fall on my fanny on that last triple lutz.

Nine days to go.


One thought on “Veganuary: Week Three

  1. You CAN and WILL complete your GOAL! Have 100% in You!
    On Feb 1st will cook u filet mignon M/R, Aspar w/ Hollandise sauce, Ceaser Salad table side w/a delightful deep red bottle of Merlot and dessert is your choice!

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