Ben, Jerry and Bernie

Here’s a scoop from the Bernie Sanders camp.

Bernie-Sanders-icecream-e1454241717839Ben and Jerry, the guys who make the ice cream, will be serving their latest treat Bernie’s Yearning sundae, from 5-6 p.m. today in an unmarked tent on French Street, across the street from the Amtrak station in Wilmington.

Says Ben: “Just like there’s nothing is so unstoppable as a flavor whose time has finally come, there’s nothing as unstoppable as a leader whose time has finally come.”

Sanders has had problems convincing voters how we can pay for the programs he espouses. No such worries about the ice cream. It’s free.

Supporting the senator from their home state of Vermont hasn’t been all sweetness and light for the entrepreneurs. Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield were among 300 demonstrators arrested yesterday in Washington D.C. during a demonstration outside the Capitol.


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