Skin care for women who multitask

In the highly competitive marketplace, Clinique is bringing its A game with Clinique Smart, a line of custom treatments designed for women who multitask and want to simplify their skin care regime with products that multitask, too.

15164-clinique-smart-night-custom-repair-moisturizer-75-1442578223I received a review sample of Clinique Smart Night Custom-Repair Moisturizer, which went on the market this month (MSRP: $57). The company says the cream addresses lines and wrinkles, dehydration and uneven skin tone at night, when our skin is in a state of rest. If the formula does what it’s supposed to do, we awaken with firmer, brighter skin and softened lines.

Personally, I like the idea of something that works while I am sleeping. Would that this moisturizer could run the vacuum and do a load of laundry.

I also have been serious about good skin care for at least 15 years and have internalized that it’s a ’round-the-clock commitment.

Smart Night contains such ingredients as hyaluronic acid, which plumps up skin by retaining moisture, and peptides, which stimulate collagen production.

But does it work? For now, I will sleep on it. Literally. I’ll give Smart Night a trial run–and get back to you with the results.