Lady Alice, the apple of our mouth

The apple of our eye — red, round and shiny — is seldom the apple of our mouth.

243ee2ff6d13393e0d90aedda93b8cb0It looks lovely. But it tastes bland.

Enter Lady Alice, a beautiful apple from Rainier Fruit Co. in eastern Washington, named for Alice Zirkie, a founder of the grower.

Lady Alice is comely, round with glowing skin tinged with pink and gold stripes. And the apple tastes just as appealing as it looks, crunchy and dense, with a balance of tartness and sweetness.

It’s firm, not mealy, and holds up nicely in a pie. Lady Alice also resists browning when the apple is sliced, making it a natural for fruit trays and salads.

You might be reminded of heirloom apples that never make it to the supermarket. But this year, Lady Alice is widely available in grocery stores. Like cherries, the growing season is short so enjoy them while you can. To find out where, visit Rainier Fruit.